Nov 12, 2024

5 Ways to Reduce Cleaning Waste In Your Household

5 Ways to Reduce Cleaning Waste In Your Household

National Recycling Week is here, and it's about time we rekindle our environmentally friendly cleaning habits. This isn’t just about recycling; it's about turning our households into sustainability sanctuaries - one less plastic bottle and disposable wipe at a time. Here are 5 cleaning tricks to help your home sparkle while reducing waste.

1. Protect your surfaces with nanocoat

Nanocoat is a clear coating you apply to surfaces like glass and tiles to repel water, dirt, and other messes. Think of it like giving your surfaces a self-cleaning advantage. Applying nanocoat throughout your home means less scrubbing, fewer chemicals, less time spent cleaning and infrequent cleans which means reduced water usage (and reduced water wastage!).

2. Use dissolvable cleaning tablets

If you’re still using traditional cleaners, it’s time to make the switch. Dissolvable cleaning tablets are here to save the day (and the oceans). Just drop a tablet in a reusable spray bottle, add water, and voila - you have a quality multipurpose cleaner without the plastic waste.

3. Stock up on reusable cleaning cloths

Disposable wipes and paper towel might be convenient, but they’re not exactly kind to Mother Earth. Try reusable microfibre cleaning cloths instead! These durable cloths can soak up the messiest spills with ease, and all they need is a quick wash to get them ready for the next round of cleaning.

4. Ditch the harsh chemicals

When we talk about cleaning waste, we also need to consider the waste that goes down the drain or into our gardens along with the water. It’s no secret that harsh chemical waste making its way into our waterways and natural environments is dangerous, not just for animals, but for humans as well. Try an environmentally friendly cleaning solution instead.

5. Choose products with recyclable packaging

One easy way to cut down on waste is to look for cleaning products in recyclable packaging. From bottles made of recycled plastic to cardboard-based packaging, these options are a step towards a cleaner home and a cleaner planet.

Committing to cutting down on cleaning waste is a great way to celebrate National Recycling Week - and it’s easier than you’d think. Happy cleaning!