Jun 03, 2024

How Does Mental Health Affect Cleaning? (3 Signs to Look Out For)

How Does Mental Health Affect Cleaning? (3 Signs to Look Out For)

We’re aware that there are many benefits of cleaning for mental health, but what about the other way around; how does mental health affect cleaning habits? Here are three signs that your mental health might be impacting your ability to keep your home clean or even your inability to stop cleaning.

Before we jump into this article, it’s important to note that we are not medical professionals and the information provided in this article does not replace advice from a trusted doctor. If you feel as though your mental health could do with some TLC, we urge you to seek proper medical assistance.

1. Procrastination and a feeling of overwhelm

Feeling overwhelmed by the thought of cleaning is a common thing, especially when there’s a lot to be done. However, if you’re finding this to be a debilitating pattern, it can be a sign of anxiety or depression. When you’re mentally exhausted, even small tasks like picking up a cleaning cloth and wiping down the coffee table can seem too big to bear. Procrastination sets in, and clutter accumulates, creating a cycle that’s hard to break.

2. Perfectionism and an obsession with cleaning

As much as we’re lovers of clean homes, there’s only so much cleaning one person can (and should) aim to achieve. Obsessive cleaning can be a manifestation of anxiety or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The need for a spotless environment might stem from a desire to control one aspect of life when everything else feels chaotic.

3. Neglectfulness and a lack of motivation

A sudden drop in motivation to clean or maintain your living space may be a sign that you’re struggling with low mood or depression. When everyday tasks feel like mountains you need to climb, it’s common to set them aside. Neglecting household chores doesn’t always come down to laziness; it could be a signal that you might need some support.

Remember, your home should be a sanctuary that supports your wellbeing, not a source of stress. By understanding the connection between mental health and cleaning, and seeking help when you need it, you can create a space that nurtures your mind and body.